La Leche League Luxembourg
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LLL Sale

Dear customers,

The next sale will be held on 20th of April 2024 in Munsbach.

If you want to get automatically informed, please register at our newsmailer instance and choose "LLL Seller information" if you want to sell.


Sincerly yours
La Leche League Luxembourg


Sale: 20.04.2024

10.00 h - 15.00 h

Location: Centre culturel, Site Ecole “An der Dällt”, 185, rue Principale in L-5366 Munsbach

What can YOU do to help

  1. Tell your friends, neighbours and colleagues
  2. Put up posters in public places
  3. Donate items to sell, or participate in profit-share
  4. Come and enjoy the sale!

If you can help in any way, please contact us.